Words related to category: Ts-M1.1 Tools Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
ayaa on target accurate | dahos axe | da̱xł hammer | dee rope | deeg̱a̱deelpk anchor line | gyigyootk axe | g̱a̱liilp stick | g̱a̱nts'aats drying boards | g̱a̱sg̱aats sandpaper | g̱a̱wsgmg̱a̱n pole | hagwildaask scraper | hagyiłaam carving knife | haḵ'eeg̱ntk drill bit | hała̱biisk knife | hasasag̱m g̱ant'miis pencil sharpener | hasax sharpener | haxts'iika bolt | ho'ya tools | k'yideh herring rake | laawksm goom gas lantern | laawksm gyelx lantern | laawksm ts'amti flashlight | 'nwilhoya tools | t'a̱g̱aał oolichan nets | xts'ala̱k block |